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Skyle provides a theming system for extensive styling. You can customize the theme by passing it through the Provider. It automatically updates on change!

Configure with Provider#

Detailed overview

import { Provider as StyleProvider } from 'skyle';
const myTheme = {
colors: {
primary: 'red',
myCustomColor: 'blue',
// Your root component
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<StyleProvider value={myTheme}>
// your app's content

Using the Theme#

Inside StyleSheets#

// Theme is automatically passed down when using a function inside your StyleSheet.
const styles = StyleSheet.create((o) => ({
view: {
backgroundColor: o.theme.colors.primary,

Inside Components#

The theme is passed through the theme prop when using the @styled decorator.

class MyComponent extends Component {
styles = styles;
render() {
const { theme } = this.props;
return <Button title='Click me!' color={theme.colors.button} />;


You can define a theme type by extending skyle's type declarations with your own declarations file:

import 'skyle';
declare module 'skyle' {
export interface Theme {
color: {
myCustomColor: string;